Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do we go thru that awful choking?

sometimes when we're eating whatever. it makes me sometimes feel like i could have died just like that, ha''
Your body will gag or choke when the food goes into the airway instead of the esophagus. Try chewing a little more, and not talking when you are chewing. DO NOT drink water when you are choking that will make it worse. Encourage coughing to get the offending food up. To make you feel more at ease try taking a first aid course. Everyone should know what to do when someone is choking.
It's your body's defense system warning you that something is wrong or stuck. SO next time try drinking water or any kind of beverage and that shoudl help.
I don't think any one chokes on purpose. If they did, they'd be stupid. Yet, of course there is the smokers cough. You just about have to die before giving up those foul cigarettes, or die holding on to them.

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