Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do some women die when in labour?

so sad...
Birth is a very natural process that has sadly been disrupted by modern medicine. In the 1600's the most common cause of death in laboring women was fatigue. A woman would need a c-section which obviously didn't exist at that time and she would become tired from all of the pushing. Eventually she would just give up, stop pushing and die. Another major factor is blood loss.
They can die from complications. If they have high blood pressure and can't get it under control, or sometimes you don't know until after it happens.
cause having a baby takes alot out of them,then they get so tried,they go to sleep...and never wake up T_T
Yes, it is sad, but these days it is rather rare.

Heart failure accounts for some.
Because 'labour' is hard work.

/ Ba-da-bump!!
#1 cause- Cardiac arrest from hypertension due to preeclampsia

It is sad but it happens.
Birth is a difficult and dangerous process for mother and baby.

Its only recently that we have been able to reduce birth related deaths. We still have a way to go.

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