Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do some people get growing pain? At what age should it stop?

Well, growing pain usually starts when you start puberty, and it stops depending on the person, but most of the time it will all be over by when you are about 16 or 17. Some people end puberty when they are even 18. There is deffinately no age when EVERYONE stops growing so just be patient and it will probably stop soon!
I used to think that growing pains were just an old saying. I took my son to the bone specialist, as his legs and feet were hurting so much. The Dr. showed me his Xrays, and they showed that parts of his feet and leg bones had become solid, while other parts had not YET become solid. That is why it hurt him to walk, and to be in sports. During this time of bones hardening, as the body grows, it is important that the bones are not expected to do things that they are not 'ready' to do, yet. Growing pains lasted until his bones hardened up, caught up with his growth.
12 for me

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