Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do we sneeze?

Also...why do we yawn?
its just very confusing to me.
and i'd like to know.
we sneeze to get irritants out of our nose. When you yawn your body is asking for more oxygen. As you get tired you are breathing less and your alveoli gets smaller. Alveoli are the air sacks in your lungs. When you yawn the air rushes into your lungs and all the alveoli sacks pop open to let more oxygen circulate into your bloodstream. Also as an after thought, yawns are contagious. As you yawn watch everyone around you. they will start to yawn also.
To get rid of germs and stretch your jaws? J/K I really don't know...I never thought of this before!
About 25% of people do actually sneeze when exposed to bright lights like the sun. We do not know exactly why this happens, but it might reflect a "crossing" of pathways in the brain, between the normal reflex of the eye in response to light and the sneezing reflex.

The simplest answer is that we don鈥檛 really know

A sneeze is a reflex triggered by sensory stimulation of the membranes in the nose, resulting in a coordinated and forceful expulsion of air through the mouth and nose. A "reflex" means that some type of stimulation of your body causes you to react in a way that is NOT under your control, in other words you do it automatically without thinking and you can鈥檛 even stop it. Your body has many reflexes - the other one important to us here is called the "pupillary light reflex". If you shine a light in your eyes, your pupils get smaller, or constrict. You should be able to see this easily in a friend using a flashlight (or in the mirror

want to know more
to sneeze, is to clean out irratents out of our nose.
To yawn, is to show were tired and need sleep.

Why do we see the color Black When we close our eyes ?

I am always wondering that Why do we see the color black while we're closing our eyes ? why not seeing White ... red??

I am feeling stupid for asking this Q ! lol . but anybody have the answer ?

Black isn't a colour. You only see it as a colour, because your brain wouldn't like to have holes in your vision, where there is no light reflected. So, to make things more simple, your brains simply tells you, that where there is no light hitting your eyes, you're seeing black. And obviously, when you close your eyes (if it's dark enough), no light will hit your eye.

Put simply, it's just your mind playing tricks on you.. ^-^
it depends if there is light in the room or not. for ex., you see red when u close your eyes in a lit place becuase that is your blood cells
Black is not actually a color. It is a color illusion that we see when there is no light. Black is the absence of light.
I think it is because there is no light in there and your eyes (retina) need light to reflect the color. Same as on a dark night or in a dark room you only see black.
This is my scientific guess from what I've heard on PBS, etc.
I don't. I see a dark, mocha color with diffuse flashes of yellow-orange. Definetly not a uniform color.
yep. as others hava said, it depends on the lighting in the room. if the room is dark, the ul c black. if its like then u might c red...

Why do we rub our eyes when we are sleepy?

rubbing the eyes relaxes the orbitalis orbitcularis muscle.eventually making it heavy and easier to fall asleep
We are probably trying to rub the sleepiness or feeling of being sleepy out of our eyes. Our eyes are trying to close and we are trying to keep them open.
irritation and dirt in eyes...your doctor...good luck [ed]

Why do we need to stretch, especially after we wake up from a nights sleep?

To make our muscles work again so that we will feel less tired.
I've heard it warms your muscles up by some extent because your muscles are "jerking" in your body.

Ants are the only insects that stretch when they wake up, neat huh? :P

Why do we need to sleep for 8 hours?

Why can't we just sleep for five or six? Why does it have to be eight?
The body does all its repairing while we sleep, so we get nicer skin hair, health and everything. Statistics show that people who sleep for exactly eight hours live longer than those who sleep for more or less than that
I have no idea but if dont get a sleep for six and a half..My head starts to pain.
Because 16 hours of work and using your body is enough!

The body and spirit need time to rebuild after the world "beats up on both".

GOD bless us one and all, always.
MBA - Boston Univ.
Not necessary, 5 hr sleep enough, but need to take short naps 5 to10 minutes at least 2 times in the day time to tranquilize the mind and body..
most aduts need only 6hours of sleep 0-7 need 12-14 hours 8-14 need 8hours 15-18 need 8-10hours 19-28 need about 8hour and up to 55 6hours is

Why do we hiccup?

how and why do we hiccup?
Hiccups Causes

Many conditions are associated with hiccups, but none has been shown to be the cause of hiccups.

If you eat too fast, you can swallow air along with your food and end up with a case of the hiccups.
Any other practices that might irritate the diaphragm such as eating too much (especially fatty foods) or drinking too much (drunk people hiccup) can make you prone to having hiccups.
In these instances, your stomach, which sits underneath and adjacent to the diaphragm, is distended or stretched. Because they occur in relation to eating and drinking, hiccups are sometimes thought to be a reflex to protect you from choking
It is a spasm of the diaphragm.
Its your diaphragm going into spasm. The diaphragm sits below your lungs which is why, if you draw in a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can it stops the spasm.eventually!
actually, it's swallowing too much air. i drink a lot of water to get rid of mine.
When u rush a solid food, like when u take a full spoon, and u take a heavy gulp of a substance, or even laughing 2u much, causes hiccup.
What u have 2 do is 2 drink plenty of water or u hold ur breathe 4 a long period of time (as long as u can).
A hiccup or hiccough (normally pronounced "HICK-up" (IPA: [藞h瑟.k蕦p]) regardless of spelling) is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm; typically this repeats several times a minute. The sudden rush of air into the lungs causes the epiglottis to close, creating the "hic" listen (help路info) noise. A bout of hiccups generally resolves itself without intervention, although many home remedies are in circulation that claim to shorten the duration, and medication is occasionally necessary. By extension, the term "hiccup" is also used to describe a small and unrepeated aberration in an otherwise consistent pattern. The medical term is singultus.

While many cases develop spontaneously, hiccups are known to develop often in specific situations, such as eating too quickly, taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal, eating very hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously or coughing, drinking an alcoholic beverage to excess, crying out loud (sobbing causes air to enter the stomach), some smoking situations where abnormal inhalation can occur (in tobacco or other smoke like cannabis, perhaps triggered by precursors to coughing, or in the case of cannabis, by precursors to laughter), or electrolyte imbalance. Hiccups may be caused by pressure to the phrenic nerve by other anatomical structures, or rarely by tumors and certain kidney disease. It is reported that 30% of chemotherapy patients suffer singultus as a side effect of treatment. (American Cancer Society)

One possible beneficial effect of hiccups is to dislodge foreign pieces of food, which have become stuck in the oesophagus, or which are traveling too slowly. When a piece of food is swallowed that is too large for the natural peristalsis of the esophagus to move the food quickly into the stomach, it applies pressure on the phrenic nerve, invoking the hiccup reflex. This causes the diaphragm to contract, creating a vacuum in the thoracic cavity, which creates a region of low pressure on the side of the lump of food nearest the stomach, and a region of high pressure on the side of the lump of food nearest the mouth. This lungs differential across the food creates a force, which assists peristalsis. In humans, gravity partially assists peristalsis, but in quadrupeds and many marine vertebrates, their oesophagi run roughly perpendicular to the force of gravity, so that gravity provides little assistance. The hiccup mechanism likely evolved as an aid to peristalsis in our ancestors. It only now appears to offer little benefit, as humans are upright and gravity assists peristalsis, making it very unlikely for food to become lodged in the oesophagus.

Ultrasound scans have also shown that fetuses experience hiccups. Some hypotheses suggest that hiccups are a muscle exercise for the respiratory system prior to birth, or that they prevent amniotic fluid from entering the lungs[1]. More research is required to ascertain their true nature, origins, and purpose, if any.

Why do we have to pee when we run water, do the dishes etc..??

I mean, i swear its everytime, you have to pee. Its it a reaction in your body, physical, or is it mental, like we have been told thru out the years that if you play in water, your going to pee.
This is not a just a natural reaction in your body that's unavoidable. It depends on the person, however, as to whether or not you can train yourself to ignore the urge to go when the water's swishing around or running. Some people have more control over their faculties than others.

Why do we have hair there..?

I am asking this in a serious manner. why were people created with hair around their more intimate areas (vagina, penis, and anus). At least men can keep their penis away from urine.. women cant, and honestly no little piece of tp is going to get urine out of that hair... (i shave) but I just cant grasp why we have hair in those areas to collect bacteria! I know usually in places such as the nose and eyelashes they are there to keep microbes out such as a filter, but nothing really needs filtered out from there... its really gross to have hair there.. I used to always be worried it would smell, especially around that time of the month... even using tampons you cant stop everything... yuck! does anyone know why this is seriously?
It could just be an evolutionary relic. You're right, it does seem to serve no purpose that I can think of.

Why do we have a small hole in the lower eyelid of our eye?

just look really close in a mirror and pull your lower eyelid out a little, then look inward, and you'll see a small hole . is it needed? what's the use for it? and is it normal?
Definitely needed, hun. It's the opening to your tear duct. You think your eyes burn after reading or using the computer for long periods of time? Blinking would be down right agony with out that little "hole" releasing tears to the eyeball every time you blink. Yes, it is very normal, just like the pores on your skin release moisture to help the body cool down when it gets too hot.
It's your tear duct...where the tears come from.
yes, you do need them, one for each eye. it is your tear duct. without it, you couldn't cry tears. very normal.

hope this helped.
It serves as a passageway for our tears to flow out.
Tear duct so you can lubricate the eye without thinking about it.
tear duct.... i think
I checked the mirror n didnt see NETing.
Tok 2 ur eye dr.
it's probably nothing important.
i think its for crying....
that's your tear duct pore, where your tears come out

Why do we go thru that awful choking?

sometimes when we're eating whatever. it makes me sometimes feel like i could have died just like that, ha''
Your body will gag or choke when the food goes into the airway instead of the esophagus. Try chewing a little more, and not talking when you are chewing. DO NOT drink water when you are choking that will make it worse. Encourage coughing to get the offending food up. To make you feel more at ease try taking a first aid course. Everyone should know what to do when someone is choking.
It's your body's defense system warning you that something is wrong or stuck. SO next time try drinking water or any kind of beverage and that shoudl help.
I don't think any one chokes on purpose. If they did, they'd be stupid. Yet, of course there is the smokers cough. You just about have to die before giving up those foul cigarettes, or die holding on to them.

Why do we get brainfreeze when he eat/drink something cold too fast?

i love chess
i want to squeeze your big red nose
'cuz our brains are full with hot blood ! and when we eat ice,our blood turns into cold blood and move to our brains ! Our brains are freezed,just cut off ur head and explore more about that ! (^.^)

Simply put, Brainfreeze occurs when the Slurpee (or anything cold) touches the roof of your mouth, the collection of nerves in the roof of your mouth (called the spheno-palantine ganglion) go into a spasm (a spasm is like a cramp). These nerves tell the brain blood vessels to get bigger or "dilate". When our brain's blood vessels get big, we get headaches.

鈥?So, the best way to avoid getting brainfreeze is to keep the Slurpee from the roof of your mouth.

鈥?The pain of brainfreeze begins a few seconds after the rapid ingestion of cold foods or beverages (such as ice cream or slurpees or yellow snow)and peaks in 30-60 seconds, and can last up to 5 minutes.
One word...GRAMMER!!
Because the numbness of the cold travels up your sinus caveties
It's called neuralgia

Why do we fart?

Why do we fart, and what causes fart?
gasses build up in the intestinal system and need to be released. or it could be that (and i apologize for any graphic words) there is a bowel obstruction and the air that would normally come and go had built up and released (think volcano) with a lot of pressure.
to let out stinky air that gets built up!!
because when u eat. and talk. and breathe. u swallow air.. some foods also cause brocolli.. when its being broken down during the digestive process
we fart because we have to because that's a part of life and we have to let the digested food out
the large intestine has a large bacteria population. Although the population of bacteria fluctuates depending on diet, and the use of antibiotics, bacteria can make up to 50% of the weight of fecal material. These bacteria feed on indigestible carbohydrates. These bacteria produce a variety of gases during the digestion of these carbohydrates, including methane, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulfide. Although methane makes up the bulk of the gas, hydrogen sulfide causes the bad smell. On average, each person produces 500 - 1000 mL of flatulence every day. However, eating a food with large amounts of indigestible carbohydrates (green beans and baked potato), plus a food high in sulfites (salmon) could potentially produce more (and more noticable) gas than normal.

Gas output could vary for a wide variety of reasons.

Some gas is caused by swallowing air as you eat. If you eat quickly, you will likely swallow more gas. Also, foods containing sorbitol/xylitol (e.g. sugar free gum) also cause flatulence. Were you chewing gum on this trip?

Canned foods have been softened by heating process during canning, and some of the gas producing starches may have been removed. Different processing methods may explain the differences you observe after eating canned foods vs. fresh foods.

If you're bowels are irritated (illness, stress) they may pass food through faster than normal, leaving less time for the bacteria to digest the food, and therefore, produce gas.

It is common after meals to experience a "high-amplitude propogating contraction". This is a very strong contraction that begins at the top of the large intestine and ends just above the rectum, sweeping the contents ahead of it as it goes. You will often feel a strong urge to have a bowel movement as a result of this contraction. Even if you don't, the contraction will cause any pockets of gas within the intestine to emerge as flatulence. This would explain the gas you have immediately after a meal.

What can you do about it? Here's some suggestions:

Avoid foods high in sulfites/indigestible carbohydrates (beans, cabbage, broccoli, fish) when you will be trapped in enclosed spaces. Other gas-causing foods include dietetic foods/sugarfree candy and gum (often contain sorbitol/xylitol), soft drinks, whole grains and bran.
For the office you might consider the flatulence filter, a seat cushion impregnated with activated charcoal.
Eat slowly to reduce the amount of swallowed air.
If you're lactose-intolerent (you lack the enzyme lactase), you may wish to avoid foods containing dairy products, or eat foods like Lactaid or Dairy Ease.
Beano appears to work for some people. It contains a plant enzyme that can digest stachyose and raffinose, two of the sugars in beans that cause flatulance. Take a tablet or a few drops before mealtimes.
Fermentation of the foods we eat releases gases. If you dont fart you will spontaneously combust!
chemical reactions in our system= waste gas products
better be thankful u can still fart!
Methane is the gas that makes us fart and that is also what you smell. Humans fart to get the methane gas out of their body.

Why do we cry through sadness?

I understand the need for tears for pysical reasons eg protecting eye, clearing debris etc.

But crying is a physical reaction to an emotion and i dont understand the reason
I'll be checking back hoping someone give an answer. This is a great question.

Maybe it is just a reaction to pain- any sort of pain - most physical pain makes your eyes water to some degree- also babies cry if they are in pain or discomfort

Maybe the body cant distinguish between emotional/mental pain and physical pain and creates a similar response?

Just some ideas.

that is a very good question. i have no idea why we do that
Its just the way God made us
Its one of our emotions to physical reactions. in ourselves.
to get all our emotions out

how much do you feel better after a good cry!!
I've read that crying is stimulated in stressful situations in order to remove excess hormones that have been produced by your brain signalling your endocrine system - see for example this link:
Gods thing. He made us express our feelings
idk any other reson but tears do mean it.
mbe it's to show other people that we're sad? xx

Why do we blink?

Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid. It is an essential function of the eye that helps spread tears across and remove irritants from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. On average, a blink takes approximately 300 to 400 milliseconds.

i dont know why do we blink
to clean our eyes (:
it helps to lubricate the eyeball
prevents dry eyes
To lubricate our eyes so they dont dry up. also its to protect from foreign objects getting inside the eye.
to spread tears over the eyes surface so it don't dry out
if we didnt our eyes would get very sore
Every time you blink it moistens your eyes and keeps them free of dust etc. The eyes are naturally moist anyway so need to be prevented from drying out.
To stop dirt getting in your eyes
To stop us seeing all the fairies and pixies around us.they only appear when we blink!
It keeps the cornea moist,
without moisture, the body would deposit a layer of protein (like on the skin) over the dried surface, which would scar the cornea, or make it relatively opaque
To keep are eyes moist, and also to clean them
To rinse the eyes with fluid to prevent them from drying up.
To spread moisture over the eye, move debris to the corners for removal and prevent the entry of foreign matter. (The eyelashes cause you to close your eyes if flying sand hits them.)
when you blink you 'refresh' the eye, and this is an involuntary movement
mmm Good question let me think ... yes I think that is only for lubricate our eyes, well try to no blink about ehhmm ... 20 seconds, you will see that is not very nice jaja

Love, "the prettiest teen she-devil" Ailin
to keep our eyes from drying out and to prevent foreign objects entering and irritating the eyes
hiya we blink cos it cleans and moistens the eyeball x

Why do we bless people when they sneeze?

It all started with the plague in London. One of the first signs of the desease was a cold and sneezing. When children started to show the effects their parents used to get them 'blessed' by their priests, vicars etc in the hope that the desease would not take them away in death. Which is why everyone says bless you when a person sneezes. Hope this helps.
because we used to think that a sneeze was your soul trying to escape..i think
I don't know..and the sad thing is I've even started 'catching the fairy' when someone says bless you.
How sad am I at 36 years old lol.
During the bubonic plague sneezing was one of the earliest symptoms.

It became common place to bless them in the hope that is was just a common cold and not the plague they had.

Weird the stuff we got stuck in our minds hey.
it started around the time of the palgue i think
It came about during 'Plague' times in England. Our ancestors were convinced that it was caused by 'devils' and sneezing was one of the first symptoms of 'Black Death'. People used to say 'Bless You' to try to ward off the Devil...
I thought it was something to do with the Black Death which killed half of Europe in the 16th Century. People thought blessing the sneezer would ward away the disease.
early symptom of the plague..
to warn off the devil, and nowadays to give hope of god sparing them from getting ill.
It goes back to bubonic plague or black death, one of the first symptoms of which is sneezing. ( Ring-a ring-a-roses etc.) This was a blessing or prayer that the person sneezing did not have the plague.
One traditional explanation for the custom is that it began literally as a blessing. Pope Gregory I the Great (AD 540-604) ascended to the Papacy just in time for the start of the bubonic plague in AD 590 (his successor succumbed to it). To combat the plague, Gregory ordered litanies, processions, and unceasing prayer for God's blessing. When someone sneezed (seen as the initial onset of the plague), they were immediately blessed ("God bless you!") in the hope that they would not actually develop the disease.

[edit] Superstition
Other explanations are based on superstitions and urban legends about sneezing and what a sneeze entails. Some well known superstitions that may have contributed to bringing "bless you" into common use are:

The belief that the heart stops when you sneeze, and the phrase "bless you" is meant to ensure the return of life or to encourage your heart to continue beating. (Of course, the heart beats because of electrical pulses that are not affected by normal functions like sneezing.)
Your soul can be thrown from your body when you sneeze, and saying "bless you" prevents your soul from being stolen by Satan or some evil spirit. Thus, "bless you" or "God bless you" is used as a sort of shield against evil.
A sneeze is good luck and saying "bless you" is no more than recognition of the sneezer's luckiness.
Alternatively, it may be possible that the phrase began simply as a response for an event that wasn't well understood at the time.

Another urban legend states that you cannot open your eyes while you sneeze, or if you manage to your eyes will pop out. During a sneeze the impulses travel through your face causing your eyelids to blink, this response is entirely automatic.

In many English-speaking countries, the German equivalent, gesundheit (which means "good health"), is used after sneezing or coughing.

[edit] Alternative intent
One other usage of the phrase "Bless you" in response to a sneeze is to bless or thank a person who sneezes but covers his or her mouth and nose with a tissue, handerkerchief, sleeve, or even a hand (hopefully then washing the hands before touching shared items) as an act of concern and courtesy to others, in order to avoid spreading the germs expelled so as not to sicken other people. Presumably, a person who fails to demonstrate such concern and courtesy by not covering the mouth and nose during a sneeze would not be blessed or thanked.
It goes back to the Great Plague. One of the early symtoms was the victim sneezed. There was no cure death was near, so it was a blessing of the victims soul and/or a prayer for a miracle

Why do we always sneeze twice??

i dont
I only sneeze once...
Not all of use do but I guess when it happens it because the 1st didn't do the job.
Oh please, my old grandmother still does nine every time!!
the smaller the sneeze is, the more there will be.
maybe U do I don't Last night 3 sneeze in a row 5 min. later 4 more sneezes %26 I do not have a cold could be that what is causeing U to sneeze didn't get removed 1st sneeze
I dont,usually just the once for me.
sorry but 4 me it's always thrice
3 times is supposed to be lucky. i haven't a set amount of times i sneeze. it depends on my environment. but if you are looking for a logical explanation then at a guess i would say the first time didn't get rid of all it needed to, so a second sneeze was needed.
ps .. i sneeze most in the sun.
People don't. Usually if people sneeze more than once, it's allergic sneezing, rather than just a tickle.
You might want to take some anithistimine if you find yourself sneezing repetitively. Be aware though, that some antihistamines can make a lot of people drowsy (diphenhydramine-- brand name Benadryl) the newer and more expensive ones, mostly pescription antihistamines tend not to (over the counter example is loratidine-- brand name Claritin).
not always
because you get a kiss.....once a wish...twice a kiss.....three times a letter.....four times something better
Cause once is not enough

Why do u get goosebumps when u r cold?

Goose bumps are a vestige from the days when humans were covered with hair.

When it's hot and you need to cool down, little muscles at the base of each hair relax. Your hair becomes relaxed. Your sweat glands pump out body heat in sweat. Your blood vessels get big to take more heat to the skin to get rid of it. When it's cold, the arrector muscle pulls the hair up. The duct to the sweat glands gets small to conserve heat. Our blood vessels also get small to save heat.

Hair standing up doesn't make very good insulation - we don't have enough fur for that. Humans don't have very much hair on their bodies anymore. Millions of years ago, humans probably did. And that hair standing on end helped keep people warmer. Those little muscles we have on the end of each hair still work. They still make goose bumps.

Cold is not the only thing that can cause our hair to stand on end. Fear or anger can cause the same reflex. The same is true for other mammals. You'll notice that on a cat or dog. Their fur gets bigger when they're angry or afraid.

Why do they use cancer causing ingredients (like Parabens) in skin care products?

Our skin is the largest organ we have and it absorbs all the stuff we put on it. Good stuff and bad stuff.
Good question! Parabens are specifically used as a preservative. Companies have less liability when they use preservatives like parabens and diazinol urea. You can sue them if you get an infection from a tainted product, but you can't sue them for using parabens because they're a legal ingredient to use and their negative effects haven't been "proven" yet. The FDA doesn't ban an ingredient until there's overwhelming evidence that it is harmful at the useage rate that companies are typically using. Chemicals, even though some are carcinogens, are approved at low concentrations. But the problem is that a lot of these chemicals are bioaccumulative--meaning they build up in the body. Ultimately, it's up to the consumer to choose the best products with the most natural ingredients.

One new company that offers 100% organic and natural products is bubble and bee organics. You can check them out at
they use it because sometimes it can help your skin
Because, at the present, even though there are alternatives for "some" of these carcinogenic materials, they are much more expensive. Some are not as effective as the material to be replaced. There are also cases wherein the usage level is very small in formulations.

It's about the cost and benefit. Manufacturers are also thinking are the consumers ready to spend more money for a product with the same functional benefit.
if companies can make it cheap and sell it at a big profit,they usually do even if they know or aren't sure if it causes cancer.
You have it right about the absorption. Seems scary to me to use skin care products with hormones.
Parabens are just a little worse than a mild carcinogen. And what do you replace them with? I can think of things that would be less carcinogenic, but don't do the job nearly as well.
Come up with a better healthier formula and with good marketing, there is a fortune in it for you.

Why do they sell prescription drugs online with no prescription?

Why are there websites that will sell any prescrption drug like valium, oxy-contin, etc with no prescription? shouldnt this be outlawed?
it is easy and safe if you buy real generics from a real overseas pharmacy and because they are overseas they do not require a prescription. I have use the site below which is a pharmacy in England.

Here is what they say about prescriptions %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Should I have a prescription to order from you? %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; No, you need not. We do not require any prescription from our customers. However we would strongly recommend you to consult your doctor before taking a medication. You may have some diseases contra-indicated for taking certain kinds of medicines and your doctor will advise you what you can or cannot take.

with all of that said ! BE CAREFUL --- if it is a controlled substance (narcotic) it is most probably fake, NO pharmacy anywhere will sell true narcotics without a doctor (oxy-contin for example).
they're probably fake, or expired pills.
it is outlawed. yes ma'am, its illegal.
they are illegal in some states some states there not,.you have to have an adult signature when they are delivered.
Because it's probabably legal to do it in whatever country they are selling from. These type of sites are usually a bit dodgy. I'd stick to american, canadian or european based online pharmacies.

I usually order from because they provide a free prescription once you fill out a simple questionnaire that is reviewed by an MD.

Why do they call it toe jam?

bc it is jammed between the toes?
March with a brigade 20 miles a day for three days with no showers or facilities and be required to sleep with your boots on.then, take your socks off *WOW*==you will get your answer!!
What is toe jam??
Examples of Toe Jam:

To cause moving parts to work in an unworkable position..
To jam a cork into a bottle
To jam your foot on a break

Why do thay steralize a leathal injectoin?

Its an attempt to be "humane".
Silly, isn't it?
All of us nurses at work have wondered the same thing.
It is humane, and just in case the person lives. Isn't there some kind of reprieve if you live through that?
I'm glad they do ! I feel people Bad or Good should be treated the same!
Your guess is as good as mine. I guess to they want to be sterile, and it looks good for the state. I dunno.
It is a good question. But, why would you even think of such a question. Just curious.
Because if they don't, you can get meningitis - which is something you can't get rid of.

Why do stomaches growl?

My stomach always makes noise, even after I have eaten. What the heck is going on in there? Can I do anything to make it stop?
Think of your stomach as a cement mixer. Its a muscular bag that contracts and dilates to mix the contents of the stomach, so that the acid can digest everything. This movement creates noise much like water sloshing around in a waterbottle.

The growling results often when your stomach is empty. It's your stomach shifting around. This is your brain intentionally starting an uncomfortable movement, attempting to alert you that you need to put something in it!
its empty and running on fumes
Your stomach is digesting food contents..
Doctors call it "borborygmi," which sounds a bit like the sound you hear.

It happens when your stomach walls squeeze together in an attempt to mix and digest food and there's no food there. Gases and digestive juices slosh around in your empty stomach and before you know it - borborygmi.

Yet hunger really has nothing to do with an empty stomach but, instead, is a product of certain nutrients missing in the blood. Our brains contain a "hunger center," which functions as an accelerator, or as a brake, for our stomachs and intestines. Once necessary nutrients are lacking from the blood, the dinner bell is rung, and the stomach and intestines come rumbling.

The now active stomach and intestine aren't picky as to what foods will satisfy they, and will grab anything they can. It is the role of the appetite to rein them in, and to ensure that the growling duo are satisfied, but with a healthy balance of the proper nutrients.

If ever in a situation where borborygmi kicks in, and there is no food in sight, remember to remain calm. The calmer you are, the more slowly your body will metabolize the protein it has stored, and the longer you will live!
Think of your stomach as a cement mixer. Its a muscular bag that contracts and dilates to mix the contents of the stomach, so that the acid can digest everything. This movement creates noise much like water sloshing around in a waterbottle.

The growling results often when your stomach is empty. It's your stomach shifting around. This is your brain intentionally starting an uncomfortable movement, attempting to alert you that you need to put something in it!

Why do some women die when in labour?

so sad...
Birth is a very natural process that has sadly been disrupted by modern medicine. In the 1600's the most common cause of death in laboring women was fatigue. A woman would need a c-section which obviously didn't exist at that time and she would become tired from all of the pushing. Eventually she would just give up, stop pushing and die. Another major factor is blood loss.
They can die from complications. If they have high blood pressure and can't get it under control, or sometimes you don't know until after it happens.
cause having a baby takes alot out of them,then they get so tried,they go to sleep...and never wake up T_T
Yes, it is sad, but these days it is rather rare.

Heart failure accounts for some.
Because 'labour' is hard work.

/ Ba-da-bump!!
#1 cause- Cardiac arrest from hypertension due to preeclampsia

It is sad but it happens.
Birth is a difficult and dangerous process for mother and baby.

Its only recently that we have been able to reduce birth related deaths. We still have a way to go.

Why do some people say they have cold blood?

Okay...Some people I know claim that they get hot really fast and others that they get cold very fast. Like for example this one lady I know had nine blankets on during the summer...It was like 90 degrees out. So why is there that difference? Is there any real difference? Any help would really be appericated...Thanx
Gland problems can make a person more sensitive to temperature changes. Many older women suffer from hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), and one major symptom of this disorder is sensitivity to cold. I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case with the old woman you saw; she may also have had other medical problems that made her feel cold.

Alternately, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can cause sensitivity to hear. A person whose body does not produce much sweat can also overheat easily, because their body is less efficient at cooling itself off.
I'm one of those people that get hot really fast. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting to stay out of 80 degree wheather. It's just a way for people to describe their temperature sensitivity. It's just how it is. Everyone's different. That's all.
I think it's just a preference of being cold vs being hot. Also, it's what you get used to, your body adapts.
I live in Miami, but I'm up north for the summer, and I'm cold here even though it's near 90 degrees. I'm wearing long pants and long sleeves to stay warm and comfortable.

Beyond that, as far as medical reasons, some people do have poor circulation, and that can cause their extremities (hands, feet, fingers, toes, ears, nose, etc) to be cold.
We'll weight will make a difference but nine blankets in 90 degree weather is not good. maybe their sick or have very bad blood circulation or both.
To scientifically eliminate all logic from your statement, I will make one statement of fact, and I will state one inference of conclusion.

The average human weighs between 140-190 pounds. FACT

Human blood (about 8 pints per human) makes up only 20% of a person's total composition. WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 80% YOU MORON. (inference).

End of answer--see below for emotional comforters for those who believe in religion.

Hey, its ok. Cold blood technically could mean more than that. Technically, since everyone has blood, we sorta all could be cold-blooded, like amphibians and reptiles. Technically, every biology book ever written could be wrong. We could all be made by this invisible super-diety, or god, who plans everything out, and we all have purpose and life is infinite and that death is not "the end" but its merely a passing. Technically, all our family members who died and we're depressed about, really aren't nonexistant, they are "waiting for us in heaven--a place that is magic and life is perfect".

Love, your brother in Christ, Voltaire

Why do some people get growing pain? At what age should it stop?

Well, growing pain usually starts when you start puberty, and it stops depending on the person, but most of the time it will all be over by when you are about 16 or 17. Some people end puberty when they are even 18. There is deffinately no age when EVERYONE stops growing so just be patient and it will probably stop soon!
I used to think that growing pains were just an old saying. I took my son to the bone specialist, as his legs and feet were hurting so much. The Dr. showed me his Xrays, and they showed that parts of his feet and leg bones had become solid, while other parts had not YET become solid. That is why it hurt him to walk, and to be in sports. During this time of bones hardening, as the body grows, it is important that the bones are not expected to do things that they are not 'ready' to do, yet. Growing pains lasted until his bones hardened up, caught up with his growth.
12 for me

Why do some people fart more than others?

Generally the main reason is diet.
Vegetables produce more wind than eating meat.
ha ha. I do not know.
Because differant people have differant digestion and eating patterns
Eating too many pop off berries.
probably all to do with diet
becouse differant people eat different things and they eat more than others
I guess diet is a main factor.Some folk are just windier than others.
Generally it's just random that peole break wind but I know there are a few in the world that force it upon themselves to draw attention, not very nice at all...

Some might be on medication and the side effects make them do it more and breaking wind can also play upon nerves and tension.
Just lucky I guess.
Excellent question! I guess some people are just fart-boxes!
It all depends what a person eats or drinks I suppose.
Diet, not eating the correct amount of right foods.

Bad manners, trying to be funny and fat on the need to be an idiot
Their ability to digest certain gaseous foods and the fact that they won't lay off the beans and broccoli.
People fart to get a reaction and i for one think that farting is hilarious. Thhhhrrrruuuump, Oops, there goes another haha!
some people fart more than others because some people eat healthiely and some don't so they have more bad wind in their body to get rid off.
every body in the world has a different eating digestion !

and did you know you fart 15 times a day approx.

and did you know you fart 5475 times a year !! but obviously cows do 3 times as much as us !!
Too much windy food and no bum control! Lots of people feel the urge to fart but just don't do it in front of anyone or they try to do a secret one. Although I think my other half does it half the time out of habit, drives me nuts I don't' know who's the worse him or the dog!!
The amount of gas produced by the human gut is a very subjective thing and depends on diet and anatomy and physiology. If you eat a lot of flatulogenic foods you will produce more gas. If your gut is dominated by gas producing microorganisms, the same thing happens.
probally because the food they eat and swollowing to much air when they eat and drink.
What you eat has a lot to do with it.
Also bloating and wind is a sign of food intolerance. A lot of people have mild food intolerances which they are unaware of.
The bacterial bablce in your gut will also influence this a lot. If the balance between the helpful digestive bacteria and the unhelpful parasitic bacteria goes too much into the parasitic you will produce more wind.
A fast or colonic will help to change the balance back to less windy.

....And I've been reliably informed that of course women never break wind in bed. So there is the gender issue..
No. I don't think so..
Medical conditions such as gastric ulcers can cause an imbalance in the digestive system, giving rise to this uncomfortable and embarrassing effect.
Bigger people normally fart moreBut it's if they eat a lot of sweets and drink a lot of fizzy drinks.
Because they are men and to men it's a sign of their maturity and social skills

Why do some people develop very high fever while others don't?

while having the same disease? I saw 2 young boys today, both had the flu, started the same day, both are healthy, but one developed 103掳 fevers while the other remained just half a degree above. I know we are all different, but is there a scientific explanation to it?
Bsically, the scientific explanation IS that we are all different. Medical science can only explain so much; it is not like we can magically say WHY one of your boys is running a higher fever than the other. It is just due to individual biochemistry and differences in the way the body reacts to an illness.
Their immune systems are different.
because every one is different (in every way)...
I guess it just depends on a person's body makeup.
maybe,the one that had a higher fever had the flu worse.A fever is the body's immune system heating up so it can kill the anti-body (virus)
Every one has a different system, and react differently to everything, its just how r bodies work.
It depend on the cause of the fever not the person. Using the Yahoo search, I learned that are various types of fevers; each fever has a name and a cause.

Why do some people (perhaps all) get insane when they don't take their lunch for consecutive days?

going without food causes a drop in blood sugar, low blood sugar causes changes in behavior.

Why do some farts smell and others dont?

If you have a broken nose or a very bad cold, it doesn't matter what you eat, your farts won't smell.
hahaha FINALLY! A question that is worth asking..
its what you eat.
Depends on the food you eat and how much of it?
What the hell?
well. it depends on what you eat. carbonated beverages, drinking with a straw, eating too fast, and too much. are some reasons why farts are really smelly. that is because of the air intake, and the way it...comes out.
Depends on what you ate lots of meat can be hard to pass and stinky. But asparagus is the foulest smell ever.
What makes you want to know that? How odd.
Mostly from what you eat. there are different nutrients in different foods that make farts smell different.
women have smelly farts they not loud but when they do fart you can smell them afar.its so distinctive that you can tell a woman has farted..its a bit like walking on street and noticing a woman is on a period...they really cant hide natures call.unfortunately no matter how hard they try men can sense almost everything about them.
it depends on your diet protein makes it stink

Why do some farts burn your ring ?????

have you ever had a red hot fart ???

what causes it to be hot and burn the ring ????
Yeah the morning after a few pints and a curry - when I wake up they just blast out and some can be right scorchers. Probably something to do with what's in the gas from what you've eaten along with the amount of gas and force it comes out. And sometimes they don't half stink.
haha not recently but have done before lol
it could be what you have eaten? fcuk knows
l m f a o
Depends what you had to eat, few hours before..

Why do some cigarillos have filters if they are not meant to be inhaled?

one the the reason might be they want it to look better
Silly question but what is one of those?
which ones are not to be inhaled? Filters are to make you think that smoking cigs with filters are safer to smoke, they are not, there are no safe cigs to smoke. I grow tobacco, but I don't think anyone should smoke. I don't smoke it's bad for you, try to stop smoking if you can you will feel a lot better and will live longer. Good Luck Always
They're not meant to be inhaled but people still inadvertently do. Also, the same chemicals that are harmful to the lungs can also do a lot of damage to the inside of your mouth and gums.

Why do some bones take a while to grow, while some only take a few seconds?

I read that some special bones, which can be found in only 46% of world population, are very sensitive to *******, asses and boobs. Other bones couldn't care less.
Which bones only take a few seconds to grow?
Which bones take only a few seconds to grow?

Depends how hot you feel and if the right buttons are pushed.
You are very MUCH misinformed. Bones for the most part is calcium. It take time to generate. I have NEVER heard of bone generating in seconds.
lol...u should have posted this in P%26S.!
Bones generate in seconds!!? Most bones take a while to grow because of cell/ tissue growth...
I have had a bone stuck in my throat and swallowed bread to clear it. When my girlfriend gets a bone stuck in her throat, she just swallows.

Why do so many young girls get so slender all of a sudden?

After they reach age 9 to 11? This is before puberty so why does it happen?
it is probably a growth spurt.. boys do the same thing.. the smae skin and fat have to stretch over a long frame and the metabolism kicks up to grow. These reduce the appearance and the existance of fat on the body.

Why do so many people in Ohio smoke?

25% of the population. Everytime I go to K-Mart or Kroger, it seems like every person there is outside smoking. My parents don't so I got off lucky. Why do they do this?
i wonder the same now...i used to smoke, i quit 3 years ago while i was deployed to iraq. It's bad, but cigarretes are addictive to some, cigarretes contain so much stuff that is like a drug, i was never addicted to them, i just did it...but them i just woke up, and said "man, i am dumb! why do i do this crap for? i don't want to die!" the worse thing is that, they are LEGAL, just like Alcohol...and both kill more people every year, that Weed. i rather smoke pot from time to time, than cigarretes, and beer or rum.people become addicted to that stuff and create excuses for why they are not quitting, like "it's the stress" or "my kids" or whatever else...i used to create excuses too, but i woke up one day, and decided "ahhh, to hell with this crap" why people in Ohio? i don't know, maybe the state, secretly, put unknown things in all cigarretes, that will make the population very addictive, you never know, the goverment work in secrecy at times, in order to archive a goal, whether that is Population reduction or whatever.people should try to quit, and you will see how they will not gain a cent from that poison. ever seen the movie, THANK YOU FOR SMOKING? is all about money, while people die from their product, some are becoming rich. crazy. i'm lucky i quit, thank lord!
maybe they just need a smoke.
Smoking is part of rural culture. Some cultural habits are hard to break.
people smoke everywhere
just go play FSX

Why do so many fat or obese people tend to wear sandals or flip-flops even in cold weather?

This is something that I have noticed reciently. Also, I am asking this in the health section because of the fact that it is a question that has something to do with weight.
Because they cannot find regular shoes that will fit properly.
Ive never noticed that, in fact I havent seen anyone wear sandals for years.
Well use tack, and ask one of them that way u would sure get the answer from the horses mouth. My thought is they are comfortable u don;t have 2 bend 2 tie or untie, u just slip them on. Also there feet may be swollen so flip-flops are comfortable.
It's hard to dress fat. They're looking for something comfotable.
I would assume that "normal" shoe sizes would not accomodate the width of their feet.
Well, fat feet mean a tight fit width wise. And when a foot is put in a shoe that's not made for wide or fat feet, it doesn't give proper support. the fat from the sides of the feet get squeezed inward, and it's like trying to walk on a layer of fat around your feet. It hurts for some, and for others, they may experience sweaty feet. Sandals allow the foot to rest on ones foot without being squeezed in and also allows proper support.
Because their belly hangs out over their belt line so far they can't bend over far enough to see to tie their shoes. When the try to tie their shoes you can hear them puff and groan with the effort to get down far enough to do it. It is so much easier to get up in the morning and just slip on some sandals or flip-flops. It's sad but it's true!
Lots of times it is difficult for an obese person to find shoes that fit or are comfortable. Sandals and flip-flops are a bit easier.

I'm not obese but I am getting a bit older and I have foot problems that have come about as a result of aging. Sandals and flip-flops are a nice relief from shoes, but I usually wear shoes.
Wow I am disgusted with how many rude answers this questions has recieved, and how rude this question is.

I think it's an individual prefrence...and big people can find shoes just as easily as any anorexic person. Ever heard of a thing called wide shoes.

I'm a big and beautiful woman myself, and I have no problem finding fashionable, comfy, WARM shoes in cold weather..and I am completely and utterly sickened by the shallowness of some people. But, I won't let that get to me because I'm proud that I can look at anyone of any size, age, race, and not be so judgemental and disgusting.

Grow up, people.
Let's see - I fit the fat and obese qualification at 550 pounds plus - I also fit the qualificaiton that my midsection does not allow me to see my feet when I stand and my size makes it interesting to put on shoes, which I frequently wear. I also oftern wear sandals for the comfort and feel. Even more so when the weather is nicer.

Why do sick poeple take drugs from their doctor that can and will kill them?

Celebrex for example cannot be SAFE for anyone with a BRAIN !
Older people take whatever a doctor gives them and place the doctor in a position somewhere like "God" i.e., that the doctor can do no wrong. My mother did just that - and ended up in a mess. The doctors were overmedicating her with medicines she should not have been taking! At all!! One drug was one that causes hallucinations! We all need to be pro-active in our healthcare. Some doctors don't like it if you know anything about an illness and take it as an insult. If you have a doctor that treats you as though you shouldn't keep up with your illness, problem, or medication, or know anything about it, seek another doctor. I have been prescribed Vioxx and Celebrex. Vioxx was prescribed right after we learned people were dying from it. A very close friend of my sister (since childhood) was prescribed Vioxx; she had a heart attack; lived a short while and then died. Vioxx should not have been prescribed. There are doctors out there that appreciate the fact that others have a few brains and understand their illness as well as medications.
Bullshite. If taken in proper doses, Celebrex is perfectly safe.
Listen, ANY foreign substance could kill you. Crossing the street could kill you!

But, to answer your question - everyone wants a quick cure for every burp and fart. That's why there's antibiotic resistant bugs that need stronger and stronger meds.
some people wish for miracles and have no time nor desire to think or do for themselves , so they put their lives into the hands of doctors, who make a living by prescribing drugs.
foolish humans are multiplying rapidly
My question is why doctors prescribe them if they're not safe? Many patients have faith in their doctors, especially when it comes to prescribing meds. People just need to get educated %26 read up on meds before taking them.

Why do peoples feet stink ??

My wifes smell terrible ,,all the time ! And she bathes every night ..Maybe she's too clean.
Dampness in the shoes causing a growth of bacteria. Also leather shoes (even sandals) can cause this because the part of the foot that the leather covers cannot breathe. Have her soak her feet in a bath of water and vinegar, apple cider I think. The acid can kill the bacteria or fungus.
Chlorophyll is an internal deodorant that deodorises your interior so that it reduces your body odour. Chlorophyll will also boost your energy level and it is also good for the digestive system.

A Yahoo search for chlorophyll + deodorant (OR deodorise) will tell you much more.

Why do people?

why do people get grey hair. Is it hormones or what. because i know this eight year old that has a big patch of grey hair on his head. My father started greying in his early thirties. what causes the hair to change its colour?

No obvious stupid answers like because of age please!
the cells that produce the color in hair just don't work as well as they used to. These cells are called "melanocytes."
"Melanos" is a Greek word that means "very dark." "Cyte" comes from "kutos," which is Greek, too. It meant "a hollow vessel." Now it means cell.
Those melanocytes don't work quite as well as they used to because they're not getting as much of a certain hormone. That hormone has fallen off because of a decrease in another hormone.

Hormones, you may remember, are substances in the body that do a lot of different things. One thing they do is help you be either a boy or girl. Another thing, not quite so important, is stimulate the melanocytes to crank out pigment.
Grey hairs are caused by the genes in you immunity system. Some people have grey hair at the age of 30 or so. It Al's can contribute from stress
the hair colour is due to a pigment called melanin that is present in all skin cells to some extent. The darker the colour greater the pigment quantity. In certain conditions the cells lose the ability to manufacture this pigment and the hair then look white. This happens with age mostly but in some rare cases extreme shock can result in white hair. A genetic variation is the albino. The child you are talking about could have had mutated cells in the area of his skull so the cells there can not manufacture melanin the pigment

Why do people who don't smoke marijuana have such a problem with those who do...?

even when they're just asking a question about their health? Like ways to smoke that are healthier and what some effects are of tin foil etc; and they're looking for a credible source.

Seriously, everything I've read here theres been pretty much at least 4 people saying 'NO DRUGS ARE BAD DONT DO IT' and they throw in some random health problems like lock jaw or cancer, when their is no common link to either.
They think, because it is kept illegal, it must be horrible, like crack cocaine or heroin. Of course, they have no idea that it was bumped from Class B to Class C (the lowest class) in 2004. (Heroine, Cocaine, Morphine and Oxycodone are examples of Class A drugs).

A couple of the typical ignorant comments about Marijuana:

Example 1: "Marijuana is a gateway drug, leading to harder drugs." That, of course, is patently false. In Alaska, it's legal to grow your own marijuana, but they do not have a higher rate of heroin addicts or crackheads. Besides, the first drug most people try is alcohol. If there's a gateway drug, it's booze.

Example 2: "Marijuana is dangerous! It will make you become a criminal and do terrible things!" Once again, a complete lie, and once again, alcohol remains the #1 culprit as a drug which leads to violence or death, of yourself or others (anyone ever seen a "Mothers Against Stoned Driving" campaign?) Laboratory studies provide no evidence that marijuana produces effects which can be interpreted as criminogenic.

Note to Mamabear: I went to rate your post as a Thumbs Up and damn it, I clicked on Thumbs down (being right handed I tend to slide my mouse to the right). I can't undo the rating but wanted to let you know. Excellent post!
marijuana makes u high, when your high you do stupid stuff like robbing and killing and stuff

sooo yeah... *puffs marijuana*
They're just jealous cause they don't know where to get any.
I didn't know I had a problem with marijuana smokers, but thank you for letting me know my problems. :-)

Don't be so prejudiced in the future, you might get through to more people that way...
like that? yeah, people are just stupid.
i think its just because people are stubborn and have been taught certain things there whole lives. If youve been taught something your whole life its hard to change that outlook. it stupid, people need to learn to be open minded. I also think people against marijuana see this type of drug use as obscuring a would be perfect world. the problem is the worlds not pefect and people are never going to agree.
we should focus our engery on stuf that really matters
(im not for or against mary jane.i think its a choice an individual must make)
marijuana usually leads to other drugs..and that my friend, is BAD!
I think for those of us who don't smoke weed its not about the physical/health part of drug use but the mental part of it. It's not fun being around people who aren't being themselves. It's just like being around a bunch of intoxicated people when you don't drink.
for one people who do not smoke do not under stand it.. and watch the movie grass it will fill you in on why it was out lawed ect...
They do it to scare you...No one wants to see someone get screwed over by drugs or hurt...I see it all the time as a Paramedic... some Drugs may not harm you but they always seem to be involved in bad situations...
I think people that don't smoke marijuana don't understand the effects it has on people. They just stick it in the drug category along with crack and other more serious drugs, and assume that smoking marijuana is evil. They just don't understand how subtle the effects are and how easy it is to snap out of being high, you can't snap out of being drunk but everyone seems to think thats okay!
Simple : blind stupidity and ignorance.
Well, for starters we're taught most of our lives that, "Drugs are bad, m'kay?" And when people don't do their own research that is unbiased, what can you expect from them? Also, for some it is a matter of religion, to an extent. Different religions differ, you see. (haha! a pun...) I don't smoke but I know folks that do. I don't like it b/c to me it smells bad and any kinds of smoke IS bad for your lungs. However, marijuana isn't nearly as bad as cigs, b/c it doesn't usually carry many chemicals (depending on what the grower uses, that is). Using a water bong is usually a "safest bet" way to use MJ, b/c it filters a lot more of the tars in the smoke. Smoke is still bad for your lungs, but it's lessened this way. The lesser evil, if you will.
for the same reason people get upset when they see a pregnant woman drinking beer or booze or affects the baby.pot is illegal and a cause of add and adhd in kids whose mom smoked pot while pregnant.really there is no good reason to smoke pot but a lot of reasons not too.good luck.
It could be because they have been told by the media and other outlets that marijuana is bad for you that if you smoke it you will do other drugs and commit crimes other than the crime of possessing it. If they have never tried it then it is harder to understand. As for Cancer they have already proven it doesn't cause Cancer.
I don't smoke now--not because I wouldn't prefer to, rather than needing to take several prescription pills per day, but simply because they are getting ridiculous with putting people in jail for it.

I do advocate the decriminalization of marijuana--though with big businesses (tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical industries) staying in bed with politicians (BIG tax $$$$$), I doubt that it will do much good.
We can't even get the growth of the industrial hemp plant in the US legalized--though the sale of hemp clothing and other goods is legal--the hemp needs to be imported, making it costly for the consumer.

1. No one has ever died or OD'd on marijuana
2. No one gets aggressive/violent on marijuana
3. Weed is the sole medicine that will help some in severe pain and agony.
4. Most steady weed smokers do not cross the gate to hard drugs.
5. Legalizing pot would eliminate tainted weed, and the drug dealer--in the case of marijuana.
6. Many tax dollars from the legal sale of pot could be used to better our communities and our country.
7. Pot can be vaporized--thus eliminating the smoke/tar risk factor.
8. Weed is safer than cigarettes, alcohol and most prescription drugs (alcohol %26 many prescription drugs kill the liver--pot does not).
9. Weed is not generally abused--one would fall asleep before consuming excessive amounts.

You can look for your information on sites like:

and so many more places.
The problem isn't that they DON'T SMOKE...
The problem is that they DON'T THINK...

There's lots of people who don't smoke, or have a problem with people who do, but you don't hear them "not complaining." You hear and remember the people who say,
"AAAARRRGGH! This thing me totally ignorant of BAD! GRRRR!"

Someone (probably a "spiritual "leader"") TOLD them that marijuana is "Badong," (bad and wrong,) and they never accepted the possibility that not only is it much more benign than drinking alcohol or cigarette smoking, IT HAS VAST MEDICAL APPLICATIONS AS WELL!

Why? Because GOD IS INFALLIBLE, and so, by association, so are his "representatives"...

Also, don't forget WHY pot is illegal in the first place...It can be a "deprogramming agent" (undoing the damage so painstakingly inflicted by both church and state to keep people thinking "inside the box," its harder to control people if they aren't afraid of you anymore,) Pharmaceutical companies can't make that much money off of it, and hemp farming is faaaaar more profitable than tree farming...Lumber magnate and media monopolist Randolph Hearst "put a hit" out on weed (using his nationwide "media consortium" of newspapers) to vilify Mexicans and other "hemp smoking devils," (foreigners,) and prevent fair competition in paper pulp production...
So many great answers to this question ! I gave Judy L and mamabear a thumbs up as they are so right in my opinion and I don't even smoke the stuff. Just wanted to add one thing. I know a lot of people use marijuana to self medicate them self and it works better then any pharmaceutical drugs.

Why do people who are dying?

become quite lively and optimistic and even look much better shortly before their death
especially old aged people
I don't know why. And I disagree.
The last hurrah.
Not in my experience old chum.
i dunno
Maybe they are so happy to be with the people they love before going to heaven.hell yeah that's like a "two-fer"
Who knows!
Are you Death? Only death really knows when someone is going to die.
because they are running out of time. learn from it. pretend today is the last day. plus you dont want to be remembered as a grumpy old woman/man
Perhaps some of them realize how precious life is, and suddenly stop taking it for granted.

You do get some miserable old grannies, though, who look half dead already.
because the spirit of the lord,is near
That has happened to a couple people I knew!
My wife's Father who was cancer ridden, even tried to get
out of bed right before he passed.
May be tired of life, and glad to see what may or may not lie beyond. Their body dosn't let them do much, now maybe they can again, maybe. That and all the responcibility is lifted from them, all of it at last. Freedom.

Just a guess.
Its just Human Nature
question of the ages.
interesting topic
If you mean a couple of days before death when people seem to rally, nobody knows why. Perhaps they are saying goodbye and are happy that they will be pain free.
I think you've seen some very rare cases..
When that happens (and it can be absent as much as present) , I think it's because they've accepted that death is there, and they no longer are attached to the notion of staying here.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is the writer who researched and listed the stages of death.
This is because they finaly know and understand fully what does the word "it does not matter" means..all the troubles eg not enough money for the next bill.= today it does not does he love me...= it does not will i look like a fool..=it does not am i good.=it does not my reputation is ruin.=it does not but he is bad so we have to...= it does not i have a terrible disease, how will it be cured.= it does not matter.....nothing matters
I noticed that too. Once I noticed my friends husband suddenly looked alive, healthier and full of life after a long battle with illness. She told me he had a visit from his brother who died years ago and he told him his time was short and he needed to do get things in order. That was the best last month of his life.

The same thing happened with my friend who died on the table in the hospital. When they revived her she was full of life and went home. She told us she needed to come home take care of a few things. She was happy, looked great and alive with small bursts of energy for a whole day before she died.

So maybe some of these people see or hear something we can't see or hear that gives them a great hope that we can't understand.
I don't know that there is a definitive answer to this question. I have worked with the terminally ill for about 20 years. I have often seen the phenomenom that you are talking about. My experience has shown me that people seem to "get better" just before they die because they are at peace. They have resolved issues that are holding them to this physical plane and are ready to "move on". They are then "free" to experience a few more good moments before they are gone.
they say what ever is wrong with you heals before or just as that person is dieing. i don't know how true that is
Well'p, I think it's because they realize that their time is running out and start to go over their "checklist" of things they've always wanted to do or be in their lives. Though everyone has a different opinion, this is my opinion.

They could also be realizing how valuable life is.
I volunteer at a hospice and I hadn't noticed that at all. Quite the contrary. A lot of people seem to have an internal struggle with it (fear of the unknown, worries about the family they are leaving behind, etc.).

It has been my experience that after a long illness people do seem to come to terms with their own mortality, or at least they appear to come to terms with it. Over the years many have told me that they view it as an end to their suffering.
I agree with you but I don't know why though.
if they know their time is coming. they generally seem to accept it and are quite wize about it all. of course that aint the case at all with sum people. but either way its still best not to think about things like that. as it dus mess with your head
I believe some people are at peace at that moment and possibly are experiencing some of the after life.
Maybe its because its the end of one life but the start of a new life, as many people die many people are born.
Erm, why does everyone think its a mental thing?

Surely the body might be fighting one last time, pumping the person full of "happy hormones" or another good stuff?

I'm sure there are studies out there which have been conducted.

Why do people throw their head back when swallowing a tablet?

I can't understand why people throw their head back when swallowing a tablet, and the reason I can't understand this is because by throwing the head back in this way causes the entry for liquid to narrow.
It's a habit. People who do it swear they can't swallow a pill any other way. It doesn't help and yes, it does make the passage-way more narrow. But they still do it. As long as they don't choke, there's no harm. And if they choke, you would HOPE they'd quit doing it!
I don't know why they do it, but it drives me crazy! It does nothing! Ahh! Pet peeve!
If u don't it makes ur chest throb with pain.
Not funn at all thats why i throw my head back.
It's all in their head. They think it will allow them to swallow the pill better if they move it to the back of their throats.
they probably think it will go down easier beacuse its liek more vertical
It is easier to swallow, and by doing this, it is easier for the tablet to go down your throught as your neck is streighter.

But yes you are correct in what you say
Its a psychological thing. They think is makes the pill go to the back of their throat so its easier to swallow.
they're thinking it'll help it jump over the trecchia(spelling?) instead of getting stuck.I do it, but It's just a habit
Its a reflex, most people throw their head back then take a drink once they have righted themselves. Its konda like tossing a pill into your mouth and not wanting to taste itso they throw trheir head back so the pill hits the back of thier throat and then drink.
i dont know either. i dont do it but i always choke on a tablet so half to break it in half.
lol how true is that seriously about 2 hours ago I took a tablet and threw my head back, I think I did it because I thought it might go down my throat better - not really sure though.
They believe that it makes the pill easier to swallow--that they are throwing it to the back of their throat. However, most pills are lighter than water and will float, so if you will tilt your head forward (chin tuck) the pill will float to the back of your throat, also closes your airway(making it harder to choke) and the pill is easier to swallow). But it is more entertaining to watch people throw their heads around (kinda like in the 70's when the guys had long bangs and they had to keep them "thrown" outta their eyes--some kids do now)LOL. But not funny when they get choked.
To swallow the pill easier.
to help it go down. it just makes them feel better. don't question it.

I guess they think it will go down easier.
To get the tablet to the back of their throat.
Perhaps they think it will make it easier to swallow the tablet, and let gravity help it go down, specially if it's bitter. I feel it's more natural to lower the chin slightly.
i don't

and p.s-the entry for liquid to narrow! don't think so-that's what the cartilagenous rings are for!
to make it mre dramatic,,lyk ahh poor me (hed back) i have to take tablets (hint hint ask me whats rong,what r they for ect.).well thats what i reckon lol,,but yh i hayt it aswell!!

Why do people talk in their sleep?

okay i'm known 4 sleep talking but i went to Washington D.C. and i was sleeping with 3 other girls in the room and i was sleeping and dreaming about going to an ice cream shop (i dont remember any of this) but i was screaming (load) "I Don't Wanna Go I Hate That Ice Cream, I Dont Like It NO, NO,NO,NO,NO, You Cant Make Me Go In There!" ect. and i dont understand why i do that. and one time when i was 10 iwas talking about muffins when my cousin was over. i said "i like muffins" and weird stuff like that. why do people talk in their sleep?
because it just so happens that they are sleep and they wanna talk but if they where woke they'd be talking still

Why do people take vicodin recreationally?

what are the effects?
Rought list of effects:

Euphoria (feel really good, basically)
sedation/relaxation (tiredness)
often nausea (can be helped a lot by laying down)
itching (antihistamines can help with that)

Thats most of the big ones. The ingredient the people are after (hydrocodone) isn't very harmful at all (albiet fairly addictive), but the paracetamol in it will kill off your liver in big doses.
Because some people like the feel it gives them. They dont realize the damage they are doing. It is very addicting.
Because it's amazingggg.

But very addictive.

It causes euphoria, intense euphoria, and a sweet body high. I don't even get nausea from it at all, guess I'm lucky.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do people start smoking?

This isnt "Why wont people quit" but why start in the first place?
because it's cool
I can't remember why I started. Regret it though.
Peer pressure. They want to look cool. Or the rest of their family or some sort of role model does it.
peer pressure i was young and stupid and i wish i had never started
they think it's mature
A lot of people I know just wanted to try it, and got hooked. Others actually thought it looked cool. Others still started because all their friends really *were* doing it.
Most people that smoke started whilst they were young, probably to be in with their mates and look cool.
Now they are addicted and find it hard to quit.
People these days don't see the dangers of smoking or drinking for that matter.
people who start are sheep, all following on. plus they think its hard
Because of curiosity.. And they will be adicted to it.. Or it's because other thinks it will add points to thier looks? Or maybe when they're cold, they smoke to warm themselves
Because when you are young and impressionable, you want to appear to be mature and smoking is one of those things that 'older' people are supposed to do... so this makes some kids THINK it's a cool, and rebellious thing to do in front of friends....

Until they are breathing with the aid of a machine.
These days, I don't know. When I started it was cool. All the celebrities smoked.
good question no not really.They start usually to see what its like. Thats not what bothers me though. Its that the live above influence give more than enough details y not to smoke. But people still smoke. So why do they go to the extreme to make people stop smoking when they alrdy know what it does, its called free will and they just cant accept that.
one thing it takes more than one cigerate to get u addictive. If its really that hard for u to quit it just shows u have a weak will or have been smoking too long.
ps. im not a smoker.
Lots of people begin when they are young cause they think its cool. Really gross..No one should ever smoke!
I started (Im only 14) when I was 13.
I smoked once.
1 and a half ciggarettes (first one was used before but my friend saved it in a mentos box to use again when her grandma wasnt home).
Why I did it?
I wanted to try something new. I know its not good for me. I even crave nicotine sometimes but I ignore it.
All my friends sitting with me were smoking too.
So idk.
We just felt like doing something new.
I started college and didn't know anyone. I saw that smokers had an easy way to meet each other - they were always outside smoking, in the same areas. All you had to do was ask to borrow a lighter and you could start a conversation. So I started smoking. :/

I know - it was really, really stupid, but I had a terrible self-confidence problem.

I did make a lot of friends that way, but in the long run, it definitely wasn't worth it. :(
people used to be told to smoke for their nerves. it was positively encourage during the war, and navy personnel were given a tobacco allowance as part of their pay.

All that was a long time ago. Recently people start smoking so they can smoke a spliff, some do it to make themselves look older or 'cool' and romantic, if you've ever seen some of the films of the 1940's like some Bette Davies films you'd know
Because they want to fit in with the crowd. Pathetic. I refuse to believe anyone who says they enjoy it when they start.
No, it isnt, but one of those stupid things you try as a kid. Then it is adictive. If only we were all as sensible as you!
There are many forms of suicide. Some all at once, some are over a period of time. I think the main attraction is a "I'm taking my life into my own hands" thing. If cigarettes were actually healthy for you ...they almost disappear from society. How many people do you see in a bar eating an apple?
Because I was stupid and took forever to quit. There is no good reason to start but every good reason to quit. I think I just hung out with too many people that did smoke and started to just to do it with them. That's sad.
following the crowd and ppl think its kool but it isnt its a serious health issue my mom smokes and i cant get her to quit she says its none of my business im just trying to help her...she doesnt understand
I started because I couldn't get any hash :)
The main reason people START is peer pressure. They see all their friends doing it, and think that if they do it too, they'll be cool. Once they start, they can't quit. Some people smoke to ease their nerves. The nicotine relaxes them. Whatever the reason, quitting would be the best thing for them all.
i AM the voice of my own god,
u smoke coz u wanna smoke. i let people smoke who like to smoke.
wrap a cig and smoke it and u will get ur answer.
dont smoke though, its bad 4 u but then what aint and wot is?
do it or dont, wots the diff?
smoke and u get fined so dont do it.
i started when i finnished school i tried a cig and liked it. Now i`m trying to quit.
In my day the vast majority of the population smoked, it was the done thing, there was even an ad on TV where the doctor gave his patient a cig in the surgery "to help calm his nerves!"
I guess it was to be cool, all the major actors and actresses of the day smoked!
Beacuse your mates do it, then it grabs you and you become addicted!

It should be banned outright, its a drug!
many reasons:
peer pressure
to look cool
growing up with family members smoking
to fit in
#1. They are upset or stressed about something so they are trying to relieve their stress by smoking (its good to try to talk to them and help solve their problems, make them feel better)
#2. Acting 'cool' (to impress other people like friends)
#3. Getting threatened (Like getting told that they would beat you up if you don't join in their smoking-crew, black mailing etc..)
#4. Persuation
#5. Because they are simply bored of living a boring life and want to start something new.
#6. Wanted to know what it was like smoking and how it tasted like.
#7. Copying admirers (e.g. celebrities, friends, family who smoke)
#8. They don't know that smoking kills
#9. Because they want to live a short life

But once they get addicted, they find it hard to stop and loads of people regret smoking. Stopping isn't impossible though.
Honestly, stupidity!

I started at 15, there were these "pretty" girls that were hanging around with my boyfriend at the time and they smoked. I thought maybe I would be "cooler" if I did it to and my boyfriend wouldn't leave me for one of them.
Turns out he was just friend with them and wouldn't have left me anyway, but as a teenager you think stupid things.
Peer pressure is a hard thing to deal with if your parents don't talk to you about it at that age, and mine didn't.

I am now 27 and still smoke, I just got health insurance and am hoping to get on Wellbutrin to quit. I will be talking to my child as she gets older about a lot of things my parents didn't talk to me about and hope she makes better decisions that I did.

Why do people snore?

its a mystery lol
Not really

Their palate beomes too relaxed and their tongue vibrates against it when they draw in breath
To irritate their partners!
Because they can
not exactly sure
for others to know that they are still alive and kicking (oops!! snoring)
because i can breath with my mouth closed
Due to high bp and choking of windpipe during respiration process

Why do people sneeze when they get outside and they look at the sun?

Whenever i look at the sun i always sneeze. Some people tell me that it's because your body knows it's outside and it is getting rid of stuff in your nose when your outside. I still am not for sure why.
allergy my kids and husband have it.
It is actually caused by the sun in your eyes. What happens when you look at the sun is that your eyes will volentarily contract. In some people, the contraction will squeeze the tear ducts in such a way that it irritates the interior of your noise. Causing you to sneeze.

WhY DO PeoPlE SmOKe?

Smoke what?
For the same reason people use crack
It mellows you out and kill stress. It get some people a calm out look. There are some reason people smoke. But if you don't do not start.
I think many young teens start smoking because they see stars such as Mary Kate Olsen, Lindsay Lohan, and others smoking and they think that it makes them look cool. Also, many under age teens begin smoking to make themselves seem younger. They then get addicted and it becomes an addiction.
addiction plain and simple never start then you never have a problem
i started smokeing because i seen everyone else doing it and i thought it must feel good when you do it because everyone is doing it . after 3 cigaretts i swear i felt like i need another one i need another one its very addictive but fortunitly for me i stopped at 4 and held my urge and im not addicted anymore
There are two sorts... civilians start smoking to look "cool" and later on they realise they were not that cool... e.i. they're dumb.

And the soldiers (and dangerous/stressful jobs)... they start smoking to fight stress and anxiety, but it is usually easier for soldiers to stop smoking if they have the will.
It's all in the will and self discipline, smoking is pointless and useless except for bothering me and destroy others' health.

Why do people smoke?

Smoking makes it hard for you to breath, smoking messes up your heart, smoking makes your house and you stink! smoking makes you teeth yellow, and smoking makes you breath stink. and so much why DO people smoke?
Probably because of peer pressure and to get rid of stress. I don't like people that smoke and it's bad for the people around them.
i think that most smokers start relatively young. i live in a rural area, %26 most parents are pretty lenient about their kids %26 tobacco (alcohol is another thing, lol). i think that at first kids are just curious %26 try it, then they realize that their peers somehow respect that (not sure why, but some kids respect things like that). peer pressure is a big factor, %26 family history is another.
Most smokers I know are either truly addicted or simply like the repetition and action of smoking. For many it is a social thing.
Kids start smoking as a rebellion against their parents, pure and simple. By the time they 'realise' that it's not the way to go, they're addicted.

If you really want somewhere to lay the blame, blame the cigarette manufacturers who make their product so addictive that it's almost impossible to stop.
Some people do it for a habbit and they dont mind the effects..

it can also be a stress outlet for some people to release their stress

some are influenced to do smoking

hope i answered ur question
Smoking can really help relieve stress. A lot of people live their lives searching for a way to let it out. Those who smoke, however, how found a way; a disgusting way.
The older generation smokes because they weren't aware of the harmful effects of it during their time but their bodies are too addicted to it that they can't stop (or try to) now. The younger generations do it probably because:

a.) they're dumb %26 uneducated %26 don't have all the facts
b.) seen their parents do it so they either do it in private or wait till they become of age and indulge in the puffs
c.) peer pressure, pressure to fit in w/ other lemmings
d.) want to purposely harm themselves because they want to rebel against a life they hate living
e.) all of the above

I go with E. : )
Because most people start smoking when they are young and naive and think that they could never get hooked. Peer pressure can also play a part in it, probably a big part. Times have changed, smoking used to be cool, and was encouraged. Nicotine is very addictive, maybe as much or more than meth. It's a slow death, so it's not as obvious that it's killing you once you become addicted. If you smoke, you don't realize all the obvious things that non-smokers can smell. Don't even start, it's not worth it, and the withdrawals from nicotine are awful. It's like hunger pains that won't go away until you eat/smoke.
in spite of all those good reasons you gave. which i told myself in order to liberate myself from the awful habit..

the only ones in my family that smoked was my oldest brother - a navy man, and my third oldest - an army man. so my parents couldnt exactly say that smoking was a terrible habit.. so i guess that got me curious. plus the commercials, tv shows and movies that told me that it was sophisticated or cool. that's why i tried it when i was younger. but then i quit because i couldnt rub two nichols together and i still preferred spending what little money i'd get on candy.

but then at a later age... one day while your sitting in your 'break room' where you work .. its the middle of winter so you dont want to step outside to get some fresh air, and you cant spend your lunch in the bathroom. so many others are smoking. the room is saturated with it. you start thinking... "i'm breathing it in second hand, i might as well get my own brand and start inhaling directly."

you tell yourself that you'll only smoke while at work... then the addiction sets in

all it takes is one little thought to give into. and one little thought leads to another. and another... and if you dont resist. then they just grow like weeds... then there's the effort of pulling up all those weeds.

i've heard that some believers just asked God to deliver them and they immediately stopped without any cravings.

personally it took me a year and a half to quit.
I guess it calms their nerves and some people feel if they stop, they'll gain a lot of weight
My sister started smoking at 13 yrs. old.she can't smell the smoke on her anymore. She has come to depend on the nicotine to help her relax instead of getting stressed. My mother bought her the patch several years ago and she quit for about 2 weeks but stress brought back the smoking...She actually enjoys it.I keep praying the God will give her the DESIRE to quit which at the moment she doesn't have.She likes being able to hang out with other smokers too.

Why do people smoke?

I work in an office with like 30 other people and almost everyone single one of them smokes. I think it's gross and unhealthy and with all that we know about cancer I just want to know why people start smoking in the first place. I understand that some older people are addicted and started before we knew all that we know now but what about young people?
i smoke because i enjoy it, i started cause i wanted to see whet the hype was and i loved it, i haven't quit because i don't want too, i am addicted and quiting would be hard but the fact is i have no desire too,

for those of you who started smoking to be cool you are nothing but pathetic week minded fools, i bet you lost your virginity behind your father tool shed over a bottle of boons or straw berry hill
they think there cool
because its cool, then they turn to addicts.
Stupid as kids. That's why I started when I was 14. I thought it made me look cool and tough, and I wanted to fit in with my stupid friends. I don't smoke now, though!!
Stupidy and the desire for a slow agonizing death!
i started because all my friends did. that was so stupid! i smoked for ten years and quitting was the hardest thing i ever did! but also the smartest! people start because they want to fit in. no one likes it when they start but they want to look "cool."
they smoke because they're addicted or think it's cool which in my opinion is kind of a line of crap.

Sure they may be addicted but I smoked -to be cool and meet people during high school but not for long and I quit no problem and haven't wanted a smoke since!

also it wasn't cool. it made me stink, late for class and the people I met were not friends.
that...i can't never understand...there are no good effects, at all!

but like you said some people are addicted and started b4 we knew all of the bad affects...but other than that i see no logical reason
I don't know, but I can tell you when I had taken my wife for radiation therapy the nurses that helped her in the radiation room were outside smoking when we were leaving.
I smoke, and I really don't have any good reason. As a kid (up till about 12) I would try to get my mom to stop smoking. I hated it and couldn't see the point. Eventually though, curiosity got the better of me and I had to try _JUST ONE_. Wasn't long before I was doing it just on weekends. Then just once a day. Now I smoke a pack a day, it happened before I knew what was up.

None of my friends smoked, in fact I was affraid to even tell them for a long time (I went to catholic schools from k - 12)... I really don't know why I started, but I regret it. I've since hooked most of my close friends, too. It's actually kind of hard to think about that..

Edit: There are up sides to smoking, in my opinion. I really do enjoy it. To me, it's one of lifes simple pleasures. But it's bittersweet. The past few months I've made a few attempts at quitting.. and it's really frustrating not being able to do it. It really is not a good feeling knowing you've always gotta have that pack of cigarettes with you..
Some say, it's a way to calm their nerves. They just use so many excuses, the truth is, once they tried it, they were weak, and got addicted to the nicotine. Once, hooked, it is very difficult to leave it. If they do succeed, most gain weight, because they still have the need to satisfy their nerves, they turn to food.
2 words -- FREE COUNTRY
cuz they like the thot of blowing out their brains wit cigarette smoke!
I s%26#92;tarted smoking as a young man to quell the urge to eat. See I as a fat child and found the diminished appetite that is derived from smoking helpful in loosing weight. I told myself that I would quit when I got down to my desired weight. That was 30 years ago.
it's a form of rebellion in young people. Most young smokers start before they're even old enough to buy cigarettes. It's just the way they think they can look "cool" know, they're doing something they're not old enough to do...then they get hooked.
Most smokers start as teenagers. It the "cool" thing to do. They try cigarettes under the impression, "I'll only smoke a few, just to fit in with the crowd." By the time they do decide to quit, they are addicted. The try to quit, but physically cannot. It's best to not even start.

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