Saturday, October 31, 2009
Why do some people fart more than others?
Generally the main reason is diet.
Vegetables produce more wind than eating meat.
ha ha. I do not know.
Because differant people have differant digestion and eating patterns
Eating too many pop off berries.
probably all to do with diet
becouse differant people eat different things and they eat more than others
I guess diet is a main factor.Some folk are just windier than others.
Generally it's just random that peole break wind but I know there are a few in the world that force it upon themselves to draw attention, not very nice at all...
Some might be on medication and the side effects make them do it more and breaking wind can also play upon nerves and tension.
Just lucky I guess.
Excellent question! I guess some people are just fart-boxes!
It all depends what a person eats or drinks I suppose.
Diet, not eating the correct amount of right foods.
Bad manners, trying to be funny and fat on the need to be an idiot
Their ability to digest certain gaseous foods and the fact that they won't lay off the beans and broccoli.
People fart to get a reaction and i for one think that farting is hilarious. Thhhhrrrruuuump, Oops, there goes another haha!
some people fart more than others because some people eat healthiely and some don't so they have more bad wind in their body to get rid off.
every body in the world has a different eating digestion !
and did you know you fart 15 times a day approx.
and did you know you fart 5475 times a year !! but obviously cows do 3 times as much as us !!
Too much windy food and no bum control! Lots of people feel the urge to fart but just don't do it in front of anyone or they try to do a secret one. Although I think my other half does it half the time out of habit, drives me nuts I don't' know who's the worse him or the dog!!
The amount of gas produced by the human gut is a very subjective thing and depends on diet and anatomy and physiology. If you eat a lot of flatulogenic foods you will produce more gas. If your gut is dominated by gas producing microorganisms, the same thing happens.
probally because the food they eat and swollowing to much air when they eat and drink.
What you eat has a lot to do with it.
Also bloating and wind is a sign of food intolerance. A lot of people have mild food intolerances which they are unaware of.
The bacterial bablce in your gut will also influence this a lot. If the balance between the helpful digestive bacteria and the unhelpful parasitic bacteria goes too much into the parasitic you will produce more wind.
A fast or colonic will help to change the balance back to less windy.
....And I've been reliably informed that of course women never break wind in bed. So there is the gender issue..
No. I don't think so..
Medical conditions such as gastric ulcers can cause an imbalance in the digestive system, giving rise to this uncomfortable and embarrassing effect.
Bigger people normally fart moreBut it's if they eat a lot of sweets and drink a lot of fizzy drinks.
Because they are men and to men it's a sign of their maturity and social skills
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