Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do so many people in Ohio smoke?

25% of the population. Everytime I go to K-Mart or Kroger, it seems like every person there is outside smoking. My parents don't so I got off lucky. Why do they do this?
i wonder the same now...i used to smoke, i quit 3 years ago while i was deployed to iraq. It's bad, but cigarretes are addictive to some, cigarretes contain so much stuff that is like a drug, i was never addicted to them, i just did it...but them i just woke up, and said "man, i am dumb! why do i do this crap for? i don't want to die!" the worse thing is that, they are LEGAL, just like Alcohol...and both kill more people every year, that Weed. i rather smoke pot from time to time, than cigarretes, and beer or rum.people become addicted to that stuff and create excuses for why they are not quitting, like "it's the stress" or "my kids" or whatever else...i used to create excuses too, but i woke up one day, and decided "ahhh, to hell with this crap" why people in Ohio? i don't know, maybe the state, secretly, put unknown things in all cigarretes, that will make the population very addictive, you never know, the goverment work in secrecy at times, in order to archive a goal, whether that is Population reduction or whatever.people should try to quit, and you will see how they will not gain a cent from that poison. ever seen the movie, THANK YOU FOR SMOKING? is all about money, while people die from their product, some are becoming rich. crazy. i'm lucky i quit, thank lord!
maybe they just need a smoke.
Smoking is part of rural culture. Some cultural habits are hard to break.
people smoke everywhere
just go play FSX

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