Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do we cry through sadness?

I understand the need for tears for pysical reasons eg protecting eye, clearing debris etc.

But crying is a physical reaction to an emotion and i dont understand the reason
I'll be checking back hoping someone give an answer. This is a great question.

Maybe it is just a reaction to pain- any sort of pain - most physical pain makes your eyes water to some degree- also babies cry if they are in pain or discomfort

Maybe the body cant distinguish between emotional/mental pain and physical pain and creates a similar response?

Just some ideas.

that is a very good question. i have no idea why we do that
Its just the way God made us
Its one of our emotions to physical reactions. in ourselves.
to get all our emotions out

how much do you feel better after a good cry!!
I've read that crying is stimulated in stressful situations in order to remove excess hormones that have been produced by your brain signalling your endocrine system - see for example this link:
Gods thing. He made us express our feelings
idk any other reson but tears do mean it.
mbe it's to show other people that we're sad? xx

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