Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do people asume that if u die in your sleep its painless?

I did - and it was. Lucky for me I was just dreaming.

Cheers :-)
Dats a good question.
Because it didn't even hurt enough to wake you up!
Because you didn't wake up ! If it was painful you would have woke up and made some noise before you died.
Because your not conscious, and whatever cause you to die with out waking up has to happen fast so your brain doesn't have time to process it.
because death is a difficult topic for some people to talk about and some people need to feel there are painless deaths. Death is death, you can't have a lullaby sing you to sleep as you go into the clouds.
The only one that knows the intensity of pain is the deceased and obviously that person can't tell you. :But I guess if someone is apparently sleeping and passes it would seem to be painless. Or maybe it helps the family deal with the loss better.
Because if you die while you're sleeping, your mind probably isn't conscious enough to comprehend what's happening to you. My friend once bruised her knee really bad in her sleep cause she was against a wall and kicked it with a loud THUD. She didn't feel it 'til she woke up. Now if you woke up while you were dying...that probably doesn't feel too good.
For the most part, it is true. The brain takes over and does turn off some of the signals to the nerves. Also, when a person is dying, some of the same processes take place.
brain activity is very low when your asleep. its usually something in your brain if you die in your sleep. you arent functioning right. i have known people that have gone that way. i dont think its to make people feel better knowing they felt no pain. if you break an arm you wont feel it hurting when your asleep either
pain is a conscious perception. have you ever felt pain in a dream.

If you did die in pain in your sleep though, there would probably be a psycho somatic impression of the source of pain on your physical cadaver.

also it depends on if you mean physical pain, or emotional pain. they're two completely different concepts.

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