Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do some people develop very high fever while others don't?

while having the same disease? I saw 2 young boys today, both had the flu, started the same day, both are healthy, but one developed 103掳 fevers while the other remained just half a degree above. I know we are all different, but is there a scientific explanation to it?
Bsically, the scientific explanation IS that we are all different. Medical science can only explain so much; it is not like we can magically say WHY one of your boys is running a higher fever than the other. It is just due to individual biochemistry and differences in the way the body reacts to an illness.
Their immune systems are different.
because every one is different (in every way)...
I guess it just depends on a person's body makeup.
maybe,the one that had a higher fever had the flu worse.A fever is the body's immune system heating up so it can kill the anti-body (virus)
Every one has a different system, and react differently to everything, its just how r bodies work.
It depend on the cause of the fever not the person. Using the Yahoo search, I learned that are various types of fevers; each fever has a name and a cause.

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