Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why does health begin to decline slowly once you're in the 20s+?

Is it in the genes? Environment? Why?
Let me first correct ur perception of health. WHO (World Health Organisation) describes health as presence of physical %26 mental well being %26 not just the absence of disease. It seems u r lacking the feeling of physical %26/or mental well being because health does not begin 2 decline in 20s.
The growth of body does stop at this period but ur health does not start 2 decline so early. As long as body is able 2 reproduce the destroyed cells, the health remains ok. It remains good if u avoid health taboos like smoking %26 alcohol, over eating %26 lack of exercise.
When u have crossed middle age, ur health would start going down hill slowly as the vital organs may start showing signs of fatigue since their destroyed cells r not being replaced at a desirable rate. This land mark has a very wide margin of variation depending on the over all state of body systems of the individuals like presence/ absence of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases , cancer etc.
So, relax %26 enjoy ur 20s, 30s %26 40s---------.
Because we're ageing every day. Every day we're a day older. That's why the change is so suttle.
there is a slight decrease in metabolic function on the mid 20's. besides that the health does not decline in the healthy athletic individual
There are professional athletes performing really well on into their forties. So, I'd suggest you eat well, exercise daily and take care of yourself without becoming obsessed with it and you'll be fine. Average life expectancy for a woman in the US is about 80, so I wouldn't stress out if I were you.
It's in the lifestyle, once a Dawg is in his 20s+ he gets in a lot of vices like: Drinking, smoking and munching a lot of greasy and junk foods. And, there is also stress in work and in home. You see a 20s+ Dawg has to work inorder to survive, and surviving the 21st centrury has gotten a whole lot harder.
It's b'coz today we r living in the polluted atmosphere ,and sometimes b'coz of genes,as u know,health begin 2 decline,today we r taking too much fast food,which includes harmful things in it,everything is polluted,we even don't get fresh air,water.Our lifestyle is fully changed as compared 2 past 50 years generation.today people only work,work n work,they r always busy in doing something,they live in nuclear families,they don't get time 4 their family members n 4 friends,they eat what they get easily,not that which is healthy,they don't take sleep they need,so they r becoming old at 20+
Unless one is very sick with an illness it should not decline at that age. That is the age most doctors get there degrees and get started. If your having problems eat better and exercise more.
In my first year in pre-med school, the Doctor who was giving a lecture on longevity opened his remarks with a time bomb; " Ladies and Gentlemen, what I am about to tell you about life and living begins at the beginning. We begin to die, the minute we are born. It is a little bit like buying a new car, that has built in obsolesce with its parts. And so it is with our bodies. Some of the deterioration takes place faster with one person than someone else. It may be genetic; environmental or a combinations o both. " I never forgot that speech, !

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