Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do you yawn a lot when you feel nauseas?

Yawning is a biological response. It usually signifies excess carbon dioxide in the system, and is a great way to cleanse the lungs. A secondary funtion is to release gas from the stomach. You may have noticed that a yawn is often followed by a burp. When you feel nauseous, this is one of the body's ways of trying to get rid of whatever is bothering you.
i dont, i dry heave when im nausous
Probably to take in more air.
If you breathe in %26 out your mouth when nauseated, it will help quelch the feeling, usually. (temporarily)
Well, one, you need air to breathe so that's why you yawn ANYTIME. But probably the reason you yawn in this situation, is because you are sssooo tired because you have to wake-up a lot in the middle of the night and and you don't get as much sleep! The last possibility is that it's just one of YOUR symptoms when you feel nauseas!
i have never heard of or seen people yawn when they're nauseous. it must be something your body does.

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